Home / Dataset / Vegetation Type / FarmlandBackpack LiDAR Data of Agricultural Field Experimental Plot at Nanjing Agricultural University
Data ID:L000087
Get Data Scan Platform:Backpack Vegetation Type:FarmlandBasic Info
Location:Farmland experiment plot of Nanjing Agricultural University
Scan Time:2021.4.15
Data Sharer Info
Name:Shichao Jin
Affiliation:Nanjing Agricultural University
Supplementary Info
Scan Area(ha):0.15
Number of Scanning Sites:1
Number of Plots:1
Data Format:las
Vegetation Origin:--
Dominant Species:Farmland
Ground Truth Data:Not Available
Instrument Model:LiBackpack DG50
Data Size (MB):700
Data Reference
Paper Citation:None

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·Chinese acknowledgment: 感谢激光雷达联合观测网络(提供数据支持。
·English acknowledgment: We express our gratitude to LiDARNET ( for providing data support.
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